12 months, 12 goals

Style Wise is one year old! To celebrate, I’m rolling out a new series in which everyone can participate!

12 Months, 12 Goals is a year long challenge that breaks down ethical shopping goals into easier-to-manage, month long chunks. These challenges are emphasized during the month in which they are originally announced, but can continue throughout the year. The intent is to develop habits one-by-one that contribute to more ethical, sustainable living and to confront both unhealthy consumer habits and our broken retail system. By taking slow and thoughtful strides toward ethical and intentional living, I hope to develop lasting positive routines that benefit myself and others.

I’ll announce a new challenge at the beginning of each month, then post on my progress at the start of the next month.

Goal 1: Shop secondhand.

For the month of January, my goal is to shop only secondhand. This is a fitting goal for the start of the year because it requires very little money and it’s the surest way, at least in the short term, to ensure that my purchases are ethical and sustainable.

Potential goals for the following months include:

  • Learn to sew.
  • Shop local.
  • Shop handmade.
  • Donate to a microloan organization.
  • Invest in a fair trade garment.
  • Write an article on the state of the garment industry.
  • Explore more fair trade food options.
  • Start a petition that demands manufacturing transparency.
  • Spread the word about fair trade in my community.

We’re better together, so let me know if you plan to get involved. Tailor your goals to your personal struggles and desires and let me know! I’d love to link up with you.

While you’re at it, grab a button for your blog:


Copy this code: <a href=”https://wisestyle.wordpress.com/tag/12-goals/“><img src=”http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7385/11821697694_84710faa2b_m.jpg&#8221; width=”200″ height=”200″ alt=”stw”></a>

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About Leah

Leah Wise is a member of FIRE in Charlottesville, Virginia.
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13 Responses to 12 months, 12 goals

  1. Sonya Mann says:

    Sometime last year I made a resolution to only shop secondhand, fair trade, or handmade, and it’s been surprisingly easy to keep. I also want to learn to sew and learn more about a fair & ethical lifestyle outside of my closet! I’m excited for your posts on these topics.

  2. this is fantastic! i also made a goal to only shop secondhand or handmade (or on rare occasion, not totally handmade but a good fair trade company sale, like Mata Traders). I’ve broken it probably ten times in the past few years, but overall I’ve been pretty happy w/ how easy and money-saving it has been. i’ll have to mention it more though, i kind of forget lately to do things like this. great post!
    Blog: Cuddly Cacti
    Mitla Moda

    • leahwise says:

      Thanks for commenting. I’ve stumbled on your blog and shop a few times over the past year or so. It’s great that you’re promoting fair trade directly by selling it. I’d eventually like to expand my vintage shop to include handmade and fair trade items, sort of a one stop shop for ethical shopping.

      • Thanks Leah! I’m glad I clicked back on this and saw your reply. I never click the comment replies on blogs because when i do i get emails about everyone’s comments after mine, not sure if that happens to you or i’m doing something wrong. but anyway, i just opened a vintage shop too, thought about putting it in the same shop but i felt it made more sense to keep it separate since Mitla Moda is just one type of fair trade item, although i’ve been dreaming of possibly someday opening a brick and mortar w/ vintage, Mitla Moda, and other fair trade and eco friendly brands too.

  3. Kaili Clark says:

    Shopping secondhand is definetely something I need to do more often.

  4. Kristian says:

    What a great commitment and way to make it do able by do bit sized chunks

  5. TheFableists says:

    Love your project! Can’t wait to see what you come up with.

  6. Pingback: 12 months, 12 goals: shop secondhand | Style Wise

  7. Pingback: 12 months, 12 goals | Style Wise

  8. Pingback: new article up on Relevant! | Style Wise

  9. Pingback: 12 months, 12 goals: halfway there | Style Wise

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